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May 7, 2008 Special Town Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2008

A Special Town Meeting of the Town of East Windsor was held at the East Windsor Town Hall on Wednesday, May 7, 2008. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by First Selectman Denise Menard. Motion was made by Gil Hayes and seconded by Bill Loos that George Butenkoff preside as Moderator. Motion to close nominations was made by Bill Loos and seconded by Gil Hayes.
Both motions passed unanimously.
Town Clerk, Karen W. Gaudreau read the call to the Meeting.
Moderator read the Statement of Eligibility to Vote.

Item #1
The following resolution was introduced and read by David Lockwood.

RESOLVED:               To appropriate $50,000.00 from the misc. revenue
account (2-08-55-1025-9-900-0000-0) to the CNR account
(1-08-55-1025-7-799-0138-0) for the purchase of a pick up truck for the
Broad Brook Fire Department.

Mr. Lockwood moved the resolution, seconded by Bill Loos.

No discussion followed. Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Item #2
The following resolution was introduced and read by Ed Farrell.

RESOLVED:       Review and discuss proposed ordinance re: cemeteries.

Mr. Farrell read the following proposed ordinance.
“(a) No person, company, corporation, organization or association shall, in the course of the care or management of burial lots or cemeteries, or in the course of protection and/or maintenance of all trees, shrubs, fences and monuments thereon, or for any other purpose, remove, damage or banish from any grave site any undamaged flag, marker or plaque when erected by any fire department, paid or volunteer, commemorating or memorializing any member of a paid or volunteer fire department for his or her service to the Town of East Windsor.
(b) Any person who violates the provisions of Subsection (a) shall be fined not more than one-hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). Each flag, marker, or plaque removed, damaged, or banished, shall constitute a separate violation of this ordinance.”

Mr. Farrell moved the resolution seconded by Bill Loos.

Denise Menard, First Selectman, stated this proposed ordinance went to Town Meeting before going before the Board of Selectmen. She further stated there is no provision for enforcement. She would like to table this proposed ordinance until the Board of Selectmen can review and the Town Attorney can approve the wording.

Louis Flynn, Spring St, has no objection to fine tuning this proposed ordinance. He further stated it has been one year since this desecration occurred. He reiterated the statutory process for petitions; turn in to Town Clerk for verification, send to Selectmen and then to Town Meeting.

Motion was made by Denise Menard and seconded by Cliff Nelson to table this proposed ordinance and send to the Board of Selectmen for further review.

Dan Burnham, Cemetery Association, feels we should not rush this proposed ordinance through tonight. He wants the Cemetery Association to have input with the Board of Selectmen. He also wants to be able to remove flags and markers for burials, followed by replacement upon closing the graves. He agreed that flags and markers will not be moved this year, and further stated that all flags were restored last fall. He said single flags at gravesites are not a problem, but multiple ones as memorials are.

Marie DeSousa, Rice Rd, said she had never seen a cemetery in this Town with “Tons of Flags”. She stated we need to respect our veterans and felt Mr. Burnham’s remarks were an inconvenient type of apology.

Dan Burnham, Cemetery Association stated the Association wanted to go by the Arlington Cemetery rules, placing flags for a three-day duration. He further stated that the Middletown and Rocky Hill Veterans cemeteries keep their flags out less than a week. He stated the job of running the cemeteries gets larger and the revenue continues to be cut from their budget.

Jim Barton, Main St, Warehouse Point Fire Chief, said when this issue was brought to the Cemetery Association, they would not meet to discuss this with the Fire Department. He feels this needs to be handled now, and this proposed ordinance needs to be done by passing it tonight.

Anthony DiMastrantonio, Bridge St, Warehouse Point Fire Department, said the Fire Department has been marking graves since 1910. He feels the Cemetery Association should have to pay for the damaged and missing markers. He further stated that 98% of Firefighters are Veterans and that the Cemetery Association doesn’t understand the importance of Veterans. He feels if the former Association could mow without disturbing the flags and markers, why can’t the current Association do the same.

Betty Burnham, Cemetery Association, stated her husband, Dan Burnham, is a Veteran and does understand. The Cemetery Association Board made a decision to clean up the cemeteries and were then notified of the statutory requirements. She said the markers have all been replaced. She said the Cemetery Association is a small group, not funded like the Fire Departments. She further said that the Cemetery Association has only good intentions for the Town.

Denise Menard, First Selectman, agrees that the needs of both parties need to be addressed. She doesn’t want to pass an incomplete ordinance. She stated the Board of Selectmen is not stalling on this issue and that this proposed ordinance will be placed on the next Selectmen’s agenda.

Louis Flynn, Spring St, stated state law protects Veterans flags and American flags. He said that the Town pays for the flags. He said the Fire Department paid for 35 plaques. This proposed ordinance would protect the Fire Department Flags and Markers.

Dennis Soucy, Main Street, stated everyone in this room volunteers. He agrees with First Selectman that this proposed ordinance needs to be approved.

Motion was made by Marie DeSousa to move the question, seconded by Gil Hayes.

Motion was made by Louis Flynn and seconded by Gil Hayes to amend the motion to table this proposed ordinance for further review and action upon the promise of the Cemetery Association not to disturb or damage any other flags or markers. The Cemetery Association agreed to this.

Motion was made by Bill Loos to put an end date to the above motion. Motion died due to a lack of a second.

Original motion made by Denise Menard and seconded by Cliff Nelson, amended by motion made by Louis Flynn and seconded by Gil Hayes passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Loos and seconded by Denise Menard

Moderator declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Karen W. Gaudreau
                                                Attest:  ________________________
                                                                Town Clerk
